Fire Resistant Foam Insulation

Fire-resistant Spray foam insulation contains fire retardant, and some are specifically formulated for fire-resistant use. If you need a fire-resistant foam for insulation, be sure to choose one specifically marketed as such. These products possess a higher degree of fire resistance than standard foam insulation. Fire Resistant Applications include: – fire-resistant installation of window and door frames – fire and smoke resistant sealing of connections between walls, ceilings and floors – sealing of all openings in roof constructions – sealing of cable and pipe penetrations in walls – improving thermal insulation in heating and cooling systems Sound all make a fireproofing single component PU Foam with non-hazardous propellant and high adhesion to many building materials. It has a fire rating of up to 229 minutes (4 hours) according to the new European Norm CE 1366-4. Touch ‘n Seal makes foam sealant and insulating products that contain fire retardants. These f...